Free Printable Lent Activities from Operation Rice Bowl

For Catholics and Orthodox Christians, Ash Wednesday begins the season known as Lent. Lent is a penitential liturgical season of the church calendar. As we prepare for Christmas during Advent, in Lent, we prepare for Easter. With prayer, fasting and almsgiving (the three penitential virtues), we ready our minds and hearts for the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the imposition of the ashes, we are reminded--"turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel." We think of ways to follow this admonition by practicing spiritual virtues.

Many people confuse the purpose of lent; they talk about what they or someone else is "giving up for Lent." There is the practice of fasting, but it's not just about giving up. Sometimes fasting means doing rather than not doing something. We always taught our children that while we may fast or give up meat, sweets, candy or pop as a physical fast, it's important to think of spiritual ways to fast. One of my besetting sins is selfishness. So at Lent, I try to make a better effort not just to 'give up' selfishness, but also to be more selfless. Do I succeed? Yes and no. But we don't call them lenten practices for nothing. We are practicing prayer, fasting and sacrifice.  Here are activities to help. Free Lenten Printables