Free Printable Bible Craft Activities

Do you want activities for Sunday School, homeschool, VBS or CCD that involve more than coloring? Here are free printable hands-on crafts. Children get to cut, assemble, paste, color and fold puppets, paper dolls and other crafts. Read more

Free Printable Bible Coloring Page Activities

Teaching VBS- Vacation Bible School this summer? Or maybe your gearing up for Sunday School, Christian school, Hebrew school or homeschool in the fall? Here are free printable Bible story, old and new testament coloring pages. These Bible story coloring pages come from the old and new testament and are great devotions lessons. Use for Stations of the Cross, Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Read more

Free Printable Blessed Virgin Mary Coloring Pages

In May we Catholics and Orthodox celebrate our Blessed Mother Mary. Our Lady shows us to pray the rosary; the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. Here are free printable coloring pages and devotional activities of Mary, and the rosary. The rosary, given to us by Mary, Mother of God, helps us to focus our minds and hearts on her Son Jesus. Here are coloring pages for the rosary and Blessed Virgin Mary. Read more

Free Printable Rosary Coloring Pages

The rosary and stations of the cross are often shown in stained glass on church window. They tell the story of Our Lord's passion. Here are free printable coloring pages of images from the rosary, made from stained glass window images. As we enter the major season of ordinary time, summer, now is a perfect time to prepare for the upcoming seasons of the Catholic liturgical calendar and holy days. Here are twenty-one free printable stained glass window style coloring pages. Read more...

Stations of the Cross Devotional Art Project with free printable Stations of the Cross coloring pages

Holy or Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum: the final three days of Holy Week which begins on Palm Sunday. Here is a Stations of the Cross art and devotional activity to use for Lent, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday or Easter. Read on...

Stations of the Cross Prayer Garden

The Stations of the Cross are an essential part of spiritual exercises during Lent in the Catholic Church. Each Catholic Church has in it's nave a series of 12 to 15 images representing the agony and death of Our Lord. Here is a garden plan to set up stations of the Cross in your backyard or church. Read more

Free Printable Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday of the Catholic liturgical calendar and continues for 40 days up to Easter. We try to imitate Jesus with prayer, fasting and alms-giving. Here are free printable Stations of the Cross coloring pages to guide lent devotions. Click here

Lenten Candle Holder Craft for Catholic Families

We are a Catholic family that homeschooled our four children for ten years. In my ongoing quest to bring religious truths home to my family and myself and to make learning experiences more meaningful and permanent, I avidly collected any and all devotional craft projects. My goal was not just to find coloring or paper craft but real 3-D materials that would take our understanding of faith deeper. Here's a lenten candle holder craft to make for Ash Wednesday on your family altar. Read more

Lenten Tablecloth or Altar cloth Craft Activity

Since Lent focuses on the passion and death of Our Lord and His sacrificial offering in the Eucharist, I decided to make a Lenten tablecloth to focus our thoughts upon the Passion of Christ. It was a family activity that we all could share in and have a part. As homeschoolers, we spent Lent in special devotional activities. You can make on just as easily with your family, classroom or religious education class. Here's how

Free Printable Lenten Devotion Activities for Operation Rice Bowl

Catholic Relief Services is the single largest non-governmental relief agency in the world. Each year at Lent CRS initiates what is called 'Operation Rice Bowl'. Operation Rice Bowl is a program which focuses our attention on the cardinal aims of the Lenten season: prayer, fasting and alms-giving. Here are activities to use your Lenten Rice Bowl. Read more

Catholic Seasons and Feast Days: Lent

The word 'holiday' takes its origin from the term 'holy day'. Different faiths have various 'holy days' and seasons. In Catholicism, holy days also referred to as 'feast days', are organized around the liturgical calendar. Here's an explanation of Catholic seasons and feast days. Read more

Free Printable Ash Wednesday and Lent Activities

Lent begins with the Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday which falls on February 13, 2013 on the western calendar. Lent begins a 40 day journey of fasting, acts of mercy and spiritual pilgrimage. We try to live, in our poor humble human way, in solidarity with Our Lord as he fasted in the desert for 40 days and made his final pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A Roman cross, torture and crucifixion awaited Him. But so did the glory of Easter, the Resurrection. Lent is a season for intense and deep personal and spiritual reflection. Here are free lessons plans and activities for families, homeschoolers and Catholics. Read more

Free Printable Lenten and Liturgical Calendars

Our Lenten journey in the Catholic church begins on Ash Wednesday and follows Jesus Christ for forty days of suffering in the desert, up to Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. Here are free printable Lenten calendars to help your experience of Lent. Read more